Clambering Cape Point

Today dawned, bright, clear and wind free - a perfect winter's.
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family fun,
Breaking through the Burnout
This week has started and I feel, at long last, as though I have found myself again.
The Only Constant

I've been quite amazed at the overwhelming response I've had by people in response to my previous post.
So simple...

Do you ever find that when you withdraw, and start re-aligning your eyes and focusing on the Light,.
Back from Burnout
That's a pretty ominous way to title a post after not having written for over three months don't you.
When it Rains...

You know that saying? "It never rains, it pours"? Well folks that's how I feel this weekend! I cannot.
the First day...

Today, Belle began her first day in the Tiger's Class....
...complete with a hand me down Tiger.
Humble Housework
It's a new season this one....
a busy one, where both Braveheart and I are stretched to.
Bountiful Birthdays
October is packed full -
and my birthday falls last.
Each year I feel to celebrate it differently..
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Hero Party 2: King Arthur's!
(There seem to have been very few Hero Factory parties out there - so forgive me if there is TMI in.
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