How are we doing the Homeschooling?
Are you wondering How to do your own What? Read on...
Looking into home-schooling can be a daunting adventure – one easily forgotten by those of us already on the road. I remember very clearly some of my very first conversations that opened the doorway into this world, and can laugh heartily at myself looking back. Still, a friend today asked for some advice on how to get started; how to find the road to travel down so to speak.
I cannot stress enough the importance of finding your own How. Your own path, your own direction. You, and your children, and therefore your family are unique. And within your family, you will have your own learning, and teaching styles. What works for me may, or may not work for you. And it WILL change. That I can assure you! You will change, your children will change, and you need to remember that! Some of it is discernment. Some of it is plain old trial and error!
I think my very first exposure to Homeschool was when a then stranger told me at a mutual friend’s birthday tea (four years ago now!) that she was thinking of home-schooling her children. I remember being very taken aback, I had never really met anyone who home schooled their children, and being a teacher, had just never thought of anything outside of the norm! I remember her telling me that even laundry could be a learning experience – the sorting of socks as a case in point – and I think I looked at her quite aghast! Now I get it! I'm in the know, and I LOVE this path I'm on!
Still, how does one find this path? I think the first port of call is to educate yourself. Speak to people you know, or have heard of. I phoned countless women I had never met to get some insight – (actually, I cringe to think of those phone calls!). I invited them round for tea, had tea with them etc. And I read. Voraciously. I spent hours reading and researching, quizzing people on the pros and cons, and unravelling the so called myths. And although you might feel overwhelmed, just keep on reading! Eventually a map will start to form in your head and you'll start to piece this puzzle together.
Here are some good starting out sites (and be assured there are plenty, but this will whet your appetite!):
A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling- one of my personal favorites. On the left hand side of her web page you'll see a link for planning – a FAQ!
And I also stumbled across blogs for the first time, and loved that I could catch a glimpse into the lives of real women who homeschooled – afar, and near to home. Here are just a few of my favorites:
Se7en is home to one of our own deep South Moms of the Western Cape - full of crafty fun and inspiration, and an insight into large family life!
And Taryn has created the first ever South African Homeschooling Blog Carnival - so do pop on over and meet others right on your doorstep!
Here are the most popular curricular being used around me at the moment (again, these are just starting points):
- Ambleside Online for a Charlotte Mason education (wondering who she is? Go on over to Squidoo and read this lens!
- Sonlight
- Konos
- Love 2 Learn
- The Well Trained Mind - for a classical education approach
- Waldorf Curriculum for Homeschoolers
And if you are in South Africa and looking for support, try these eloops. In the beginning of my journey these were the only means of asking questions I could find! You need to subscribe to each by going to yahoogroups and search for each of these:
And lastly, if you are in the Western Cape, South Africa check out the Facebook Page for homeschoolers, email:
Good Luck!