Posted by : Karen Saturday, December 17, 2011

I paused as I wrote the title of this post ... I was hoping to call it "Sizzling Summer" but after the rain this week and the cold snap we've had, I'm not sure I can venture out to say that yet! I do so hope that today's wonderful weather truly does mean summer is here at last!

So far in our holidays we have....

had a Christmas lunch with a student
 (now friend and part of the family!)
spent time on Noordhoek Common soaking up
blue skies, wide open spaces and acorns!

started to spend many an hour soaking up the
sea, sand and sun
with SMILES!
And nothing says summer more than watermelon!
Great big pink slices with juice dribbling down our chins!
And me?  This photo commemorates a monumental walk I took on the beach one summer's eve. A walk to restre my innner world and seek Him. But whilst doing it, I managed, for the first time this year, to walk barefoot on the beach free of pain - my feet are finally healing! (Just one more year of orthotics!)

 I hope you're out there soaking up the sun too! Happy summer holidays!

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