Posted by : Karen Sunday, December 18, 2011

Often as one hits this particular holiday season things can get a little 'crazy' for want of a better word - family, socializing, shopping, Christmas - all that the trimmings this simple season brings (isn't is just about celebrating the Love Child? The Gift our father chose to give us?). 

This year, I wanted to make sure that we made the most of Braveheart's two weeks off work, and to make sure that we didn't lose out on the important in the face of the urgent this season. (Too often we feel we must rush madly around trying to 'do' things instead of just 'being' and building relationships within our family and those around us).

To help us, on the first morning of Braveheart's holiday we set out to make our holiday tree (I'm really into trees this year aren't I?!)

we traced around an egg cup...
and then all cut out some circles
 from coloured card
and even Belle managed - I was impressed!

 Then Braveheart drew a tree template for me, and we cut that out...

Then we sat around the dining room table and made a wish list for the holiday - all the things we'd like to do together as a d family or with other people. Braveheart and I scribed for the littlies, and King Arthur did well writing his own! And this is what we made -

Here's hoping you too will have much fun this holiday season!

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