Posted by : Karen Thursday, July 05, 2012

Been looking for me? Here I am! Peekaboo! I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, although the silence might have indicated that. It's just that taking the time to write something seemed to require such monumental energy as so much has been going on, in life and in my heart. And if truth be told, those little pockets of free time when I usually write have been taken up with knitting and crocheting, crafts I've recently learnt and am now somewhat addicted too!

There are so many titles I could give this first post in just under a month.

"Sweet Solitude", as it's the first time in who knows how long that I have two and a half whole hours to myself, and I am keenly aware of what a luxury that is. The house is so silent: no washing machines, dishwashers, music, kids' voices - nothing, not even any birds. Just me and my thoughts. That my friends, is heaven. This is the first time in weeks I am able to process, something I have been wanting to do for a while. And if you read this blog often enough, you'll know that pieces of my life fit together so much better once I've written everything down. Writing for me is therapeutic.

I could have called it, "Thank Heaven for Holidays", as we are in the throes of the winter holidays here in South Africa. I don't think I could have lasted another week. It feels like I've limped to the end of this last term, and I have enough thoughts on that for another post. We're in the second week of the three week break, and if I'm honest, I only feel marginally relaxed! I'm striving really hard to keep our final week free of plans, as I find we just get too bogged down in one week with plans for the next and we run around trying to play catch up. And whilst holidays are about the kids and letting them have day long play dates, there also comes a point where I need to stop and regroup. Our house has been busy with kids these last 10 days, just the way I like it, but boy am I exhausted!

Or "Brewing and Bubbling" as there is much going on in me just beneath the surface. Thoughts, feelings, attempting to make sense of new things, old things, thoughts and feelings. It's been wonderful to see some things so clearly and to have a fresh understanding as to how things have panned out the way they's only sometimes by looking backwards over our lives that we can see why we've moved forward in certain directions.

So, hopefully I'm back now and will keep you posted...until then, happy holidays :)

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