Posted by : Karen Monday, January 02, 2012

I love the beginning of a year.

I love how it feels to me that overnight I have been given a clean slate, an opportunity to start afresh.

To start anew.

It's like that first day of school (when I went as a child!): sharpening all my pencils, organizing my bag, the smell of new books...

And this year, I am excited.

I am GLAD to be welcoming in a new year.

I am  looking forward....

and that is a wonderful, wonderful feeling!

And one resolution is uppermost in my mind.

To tame my dragon.

In me resides a dragon, that comes to the fore whenever I am hard pressed by my own children (why is it that it is our own children with whom our patience can waiver so thin sometimes?).

It is the dragon of Harsh Tone.

And it pains me to see the affect my tone can have on my precious charges.

And so this year, I am undertaking, to slay this dragon.

This is going to be the year ... I am resolved.

And yet, in reading this timely post, I was reminded:

  1. trying harder only results in harder trials
  2. to forge new tracks across this year will needs more than simply sheer effort, gritty determination.

 I can recognize the fear that grips her heart, because I too wonder the same...
 "Fear that I am impotent of change, that new ways can’t be my ways. What if I will always be this way… (fill in the blank with fear of personal choice: self-centered, overweight, uneducated, unmotivated, debt-ridden, angry, anxious, apathetic, unfulfilled…)"

But here is the sheer beauty, the gift of grace...

Impossible resolutions require God solutions.

And so daily, I need to fall upon Christ, and in him and through him, slay this dragon once and for all.

Cross on over here to read her 5 suggestions for making resolutions that stick....I love them...such wisdom  as I set out on this challenge....

may your resolutions be birthed in Him this year....

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