Posted by : Karen Friday, February 24, 2012

A few of you lovely people have commented on my lack of regular blogging, and I have to say, we have just been really busy, so that by the time the evening rolls around, the thought of whipping together a post seems to require monumental effort! And so this is the part of life that gets put on the back burner, for now (and let's juts be honest shall we? Pinterest has abducted me, it's much more mindless!). 

But here's some of what we've been doing...

spelling with Scrabble tiles

learning addition with renaming...

Belle has been learning her colours by sorting like beads onto like pipe cleaners (and if you looked closely you'll notice I did not have shades of pink nor did I have orange - lucky for me she went with the flow!)

we've made letters out of play dough...

and made creatures out of food!

We had a wonderful outing to Green Point Park, and enjoyed ourselves so much we took Braveheart there on the weekend! We went on a Friday and practically had the place to ourselves - on the weekend it was packed! Truly, it is well worth a visit and a lengthy one at that - make sure you can spend the better part of the day there!

 Hope your busy lives are flowing smoothly too!

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