Posted by : Karen Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Something has been lingering in the corners of my heart the last few months, coming into focus more and more in the last few weeks and reaching a crystallized question this weekend.

As a woman, I am passionate. Might this be true for you?

As a mother, I am passionate.   Might this be true for you? 

I'm passionate about being a woman. I'm passionate about my soul (emotions and thoughts) and my spirit. I'm passionate about mothering (can you tell?),  I'm passionate about my home, and I'm passionate about each of my children...

And here, right here, this is where my passions can pool and get caught up.

The crystallized question for me?

Am I passionate as a wife?  Might this be true for you?

Looking back over the last almost seven years that our home has been filled with children, I have begun to realize that they have received the lion's share of my attention and devotion. My children do need my attention. They do need my nurturing. 

But my husband needs it more.

He needs to know that he comes first. That he matters. That above all else, the love we share is sacred. That we are a team. In twenty years time, it will, again, just be him and me. Just as I nurture the children, I need to be nurturing this relationship right here. Feeding it. Nourishing it.

I want to be more passionate about being a wife, than I am about being a mother....

Food for thought huh?

(And Ann shares her lovely walk along a similar theme over here - pop on over and be refreshed...)
 Love endures long and is patient and kind...
 Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
        Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].  
  Love never fails 

(I Cor 13, abridged to my liking: got to love the Amplified!) 

3 Responses so far.

  1. Julie says:

    Thanks for that reminder, Karen! Just what I needed to hear after 15 years of marriage, I still get my priorities muddled. In the process of forging ahead promoting family teamwork, I often neglect marriage teamwork. Thank you

  2. Karen says:

    Thanks Julie for the encouragement! It's a sobering thought hey? And just so easy to slip into. I'm enjoying the difference I see already in myself...praying it is a deep rooted work! Be blessed!

  3. Yip so so good to reminded of this!!! They are who we will spend the rest of our lives with once our kids are long gone forging their own families!!!

    Can you send me the photo that pops up with your profile pic!!? I need a new Dawes family photo on my wall!! Mine is slightly outdated!!!

    Love you and wish we could have an afternoon together soon!!!!!!!

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