Posted by : Karen Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Braveheart happened to have Monday off this week, which gave us a full 5 day break with each other, and I cannot even begin to tell you how refreshed and rejuvenated I am! Part of that is spending it hiking with my family - what more could this girl want?!

So, on Tuesday we meandered through the day, eventually reaching the start of the Pipe Track just after linch time. To set off, you need to park at Kloof Neck, immediately on your right hand side as you turn onto Tafelberg Road (the same road the cable car station is on). Cross over the road (watch for traffic!), up the concrete steps (a fence should be on your left), and carry on along the well worn path. 

It's called the Pipe Track, because, rather obviously, you follow a pipe that was laid in 1887! It conducts water from the dams atop the mountain, and takes it to a filtration plant you pass on your left hand side. There are a lot more interesting things about this hike, but my knowledge of each of the ravines and gullies is still somewhat limited!

The delight within me when I saw this impressive example of erosion- it made the geography teacher within o so happy! Seriously though, if you're studying soil or strata, remember this!

And this is what we spotted...such beauty!

Now I had read that this was a very easy amble, and that it is, for adults! It is not recommended for under 3's unless, like Belle, they love to run and chase their siblings! She did very well, and it is a mostly flat walk - and we only had to carry her after her numerous falls over rocks as the sped along the paths! And oh the views!

And for those of you trail runners, this is a very popular run! We were frequently passed by such athletic people! And all along the way there are these benches were one could stop to rest (little legs!) and  gaze at the splendour..

We got to this sign post and decided to call it a day, but truly, Braveheart and I were itching to climb up the Diagonal Path! There was a beautiful waterfall flowing down the mountain too; we'd like to go back and see it once the rains have truly started.

On our leisurely stroll back, Belle and the boys kept trying to hide and then give us frights - here's me indulging her...

These warriors of mine just stop my heart...

Whilst Braveheart photographed this, 

 Belle and I found this lovely old trunk to play on...

Then Aragorn turned it into his dragon and rode it into the sunset!

 A full soul I had.

God's grace...

One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Oh that was fun! We'll HAVE to do that one. STUNNING photography btw.........enjoying seeing the progress ;-)

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